Applying Thoughts

"Sometimes I Win, Other times I learn. but I never lose."

August 30, 2013

Server Sprawl

Server Sprawl – is a situation in which an enterprise hosting multiple app servers for load balancing, high availability etc., finds out that most of the servers are under-utilized and are taking up more space & resources which are not justified by their workload, and can be reduced. A physical server typically uses less than 8% of its stated capacity while performing its primary task. Server Sprawl can be resolved using colocation & virtualization.

Colocation - allows you to place your server machine in someone else's rack and share their bandwidth as your own. Company then provides an IP, bandwidth, and power to your server. Once it's up and running, you access it much like you would access a Web site on a hosting provider. The difference being that you own the hardware. Many colocation service providers provide the hardware also on charge.

Virtualization allows a larger percentage of server capacity to be used with a fewer number of physical servers being implemented. By using physical server resources more wisely, a dramatic improvement of server performance and a better ROI is achieved. In this way, Virtualization is THE green solution to expanding your server needs. By using Virtualization you help save the environment!

It has various Benefits –
1. The biggest advantage of colocation is the cost for bandwidth.
2. Colocation facilities have better outage protect

3. Client owns the server machinery. Easy upgrade.
4. Client owns the server software. Easy installation.
5. Safe from outages while the servers are moved to the new location.
6. Secured environment.
7. Server maintenance & management.

Following are Companies available in this space –
1. Peer 1
2. InterLink
3. Equinix
4. YesUp
5. iWeb
6. Softlayer
7. capPOP
8. RackSpace
9. Layered Tech

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